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Goyder Renewable Energy Hub

Goyder Renewable Hub

Construction Environmental Management Plan and Sub-plans, including the Flora and Fauna Sub-plan, for the Wind Farm package of the Goyder Renewable Energy Hub Stage 1 Development.

Services included:


  • Development of Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for the whole of the Stage 1 Development. This plan includes:

    • An outline of management responsibilities for the development

    • Legislative requirements and conditions of development approval

    • Over-arching management strategies to deliver a compliant development

  • Development of CEMP Sub-plans to provide more detailed management of each environmental aspect of the project. This includes:

    • Flora and Fauna Management Plan, detailing legislative requirements, approval conditions and management actions to minimize environmental impacts and ensure project compliance

    • Soil Erosion and Draining Management Plan, detailing approval conditions and management actions to minimize environmental impacts and ensure project compliance

    • Dust Management Plan, detailing approval conditions and management actions to minimize environmental impacts and ensure project compliance

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